Triple the home, half the price: A boomer cashed out of California for a better deal in Oregon

In 2021, Jeremy Smith and his wife capitalized on California's booming real estate market by selling their homes at record prices. They moved to Oregon for a larger, more affordable house, defying traditional downsizing concepts. Despite initial thoughts of retirement and settling in Southern California, skyrocketing home values pushed them to seek a better deal. Ultimately choosing West Linn, Oregon, Smith's decision reflects a trend among Californians, as he embraced living in a community of fellow ex-Californians.
When a CEO uses it, it doesn't tend to be good news. But the couple ultimately opted to upsize their living space - if not their mortgage payments.
I felt like it's one of those things where you throw a quarter in a slot in Vegas, and it pays $1 million, and you don't stay at the casino.
Watching home values in California skyrocket in 2021, he decided it was time to sell and find a more affordable option.
The sale convinced him to put their primary East Bay house on the market too. That home sold for $1.5 million.
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