"The Last Lighthouse Keepers of Scotland" by Photographer Conor Gault

Conor Gault, a Scotland-based photographer, is documenting the lives of former lighthouse keepers in his project "The Last Lighthouse Keepers of Scotland." This initiative is not only a tribute to his grandfather, who worked as a keeper for over 30 years, but also a personal exploration of cultural heritage. Gault aims to capture portraits of these individuals and their families, visiting their homes and former lighthouse stations to uncover stories and memories of this now-extinct profession and its unique lifestyle.
The project focuses on capturing portraits of the former keepers and any immediate family, as I travel to the keepers' homes and their old lighthouse stations to document them, their surroundings, their experience and memory of an extinct practice and distinct way of life.
The Last Lighthouse Keepers of Scotland' is part of an attempt to research and depict tradition and culture through domestic (re)discovery as well as a personal effort to connect with his own family.