The author reflects on their deep relationship with their cat, Pong, who has become a central figure in their life despite traditional milestones being delayed. Pong, once a street cat, embodies personality traits shaped by his past, contributing to their shared household dynamics. The author humorously contemplates the idea of hiring a pet communicator to understand Pong better, showing a mix of skepticism and curiosity about the spiritual connection with pets. This highlights the subjective nature of love, companionship, and interpretation in human-animal relationships.
"Pong's hardscrabble early years taught him to flirt and charm for his meals on the streets of Harlem, where he developed his taste for French fries, noodles, and pizza."
"In any relationship, you fall into rhythms built around each other's quirks and scar tissue. This is true even—or maybe especially—when the relationship is with an animal who cannot speak English."