What I'm Glad I Did With My Parents Before It Was Too Late, According to 12 Dads

Regardless of the wording - we hope he meant more than a few minutes, but he was from a very different period - there's something memorable in the sentiment, especially in the use of the word 'inheritance'.
We did stop training not long after that. I got a job out of state, and my parents had moved on to other interests. But that moment - and, moreso, that journey - will live in my heart forever. - Chris, 50, California
We built model planes together. It was something we did every weekend. My mom and dad would be at the kitchen table, gluing the pieces together, and I sat there as a teenager, helping out and learning the names of the different parts. It was a fun, bonding experience for us, and it's something I will always cherish. - John, 35, New York
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