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4 months ago
National Basketball Association

Cavs' Mitchell relieved for Rubio after retirement

Donovan Mitchell sensed Ricky Rubio's retirement from the NBA
Rubio's decision brings relief to Mitchell and allows him to focus on his mental health and family [ more ]
4 months ago

The Most Family-Friendly Diet Is Also One Of The Healthiest - By A Longshot

The best diet for your family is likely a lifestyle rather than a specific diet.
Moderation, not deprivation, is key when it comes to kids and their eating habits. [ more ]
4 months ago

Our Five-Star Kale Salad to Zhuzh Up However You Please

It is important to take time off and enjoy food with loved ones
There are various delicious recipes to try for different meals [ more ]
Page Six
4 months ago

Angelina Jolie's brother James Haven opens up about 'protecting' her kids after Brad Pitt split

Angelina Jolie's brother, James Haven, has become protective of her children following her split from Brad Pitt.
Haven prioritizes his family and alters his life to be there for Jolie and her children in their formative years. [ more ]
4 months ago
Boston Red Sox

Chris Sale explains why he approved trade from Red Sox

Chris Sale approved a potential trade from the Red Sox to the Atlanta Braves.
Sale wanted to put himself and his family in a good situation and play for a team that's good. [ more ]
The Good Life France
4 months ago
France news

Jobs for English speaking expats in France - The Good Life France

Opportunities for English speaking expats in France
Freelance property agent job with training, commissions, and support [ more ]
4 months ago

What I'm Glad I Did With My Parents Before It Was Too Late, According to 12 Dads

Spending quality time with parents is important and should not be squandered.
Engaging in shared activities and experiences can create lasting memories and strengthen the parent-child relationship. [ more ]
4 months ago

My high school teacher accidentally gave me a lifelong mantra: If you think you hate everyone, have something to eat'

Growing up in a family of mental health professionals, the author learns to address their own mental health struggles by asking themselves if they need rest or nourishment.
The author finds that taking care of their basic needs, such as eating or sleeping, can help soothe their existential angst and make their problems feel less desperate. [ more ]
4 months ago

A moment that changed me: my dying father told me he had a secret son. Then my brother got in touch ...

The author discovers they have a half-brother they were unaware of until their father's death
Despite initially feeling threatened, the author forms a distant online connection with their half-brother [ more ]
5 months ago
Boston Red Sox

Red Sox Legend David Ortiz Hilariously Strikes Out At Gender Reveal

Boston Red Sox legend David Ortiz is no stranger to striking out, having recorded 1,750 of them throughout his Hall of Fame career.
Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty
5 months ago

Boston Condos For Sale: Selling A Home With A Family Boston Condos For Sale Ford Realty

Maintaining a show-ready home with kids is possible with a plan and the right tools
Tips for keeping a clean home include decluttering, downsizing toys, creating cleaning schedules, and designating spaces for common clutter [ more ]
BBC News
5 months ago

Leaving London: Pressure on outer boroughs as families move in

Havering, on the Essex-London border, is one such area.
5 months ago

18 New Books Coming in January

Burns's second novel introduces the Josephs, a roofing family in Mercury, Pa., who along with a young woman in search of her own place in the world find themselves at an inflection point forged by long-ago choices.
This ambitious and sweeping debut novel explores the fallout of a Malayan woman's decision to become a spy for Japanese forces during World War II. Seduced by promises of an Asia for Asians, she instead helps usher in a brutal occupation with devastating costs for her family. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
5 months ago

A home for the holidays: How one migrant family remembers their past to help define their future in Chicago

Esperanza Mendez and her family fled violence and shortages in Venezuela to start a new life in Chicago.
They have faced challenges in finding work and affording basic necessities, but are determined to make a better life for themselves. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

Real life 'Parent Trap': Daughters celebrate as parents re-marry 10 years after bitter split

A couple's remarriage after an acrimonious split is being compared to 'The Parent Trap' by their daughters on TikTok.
The couple's reconciliation came after the death of Scott's parents, prompting Julie to rush to his side and realize that family is what matters. [ more ]
5 months ago
Everyday cooking

Meera Sodha's vegan recipe for ram-don noodles from Parasite, with black garlic, leek and Tenderstem | The new vegan

Dinner and film night is my jam.
It's how we as a family end the working week on a Friday night, and it's absolutely how I'm going to finish 2023.
5 months ago

Tom Brady on being a famous father and getting 'attention' at his kids' events

Tom Brady prioritizes spending quality time with his family and tries to step out of the spotlight when he's with his kids.
Brady uses moments when attention is shifted to him to remind his children about the unique privileges they have. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
5 months ago

Help! My Family Loves to Give Me Surprise Vacations I Absolutely Can't Afford.

The letter writer has received a birthday trip to a tropical destination, but is unable to afford it and has social anxiety.
They are unsure how to approach the situation with their mother and family. [ more ]
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