Colton Underwood shares insights into his self-care routine since becoming a father. He highlights the support from his partner, Jordan C Brown, and the importance of finding time for himself amidst the busy parenthood life. His journey to parenthood included a focus on improving his sperm count, which required changes in lifestyle, such as suspending testosterone therapy and avoiding saunas. He and his partner chose a surrogate based on character over superficial traits, underscoring their parenting philosophy.
Oh gosh. I have an incredible partner who loves and supports me and makes me feel good. Then I just find random times to take care of myself.
By the end of the six months, Underwood's sperm count was back up in the millions.
We want somebody deep and cool. I believe in nature versus nurture. So give us the basics and we can show this kid love.
I should have known saying that to this publication! Sorry.