One Mom Shared Her Strategy To Actually Get Her Kids To Help Grocery Shopping

"I've been having on-going conversations with my kids about the invisible labor of managing a home, what the 'mental load' means, and examples of what it looks like in both their lives and mine for over a year now."
"I've also been teaching them how to, first, NOTICE what needs to be done around the house and then take the initiative to actually do it on their own without having to be asked."
"So I'm going to let you look around, on your own in this section and when you see something that we usually get, just like we 'Notice and Do' at home, you can...'NOTICE AND GRAB' at the store."
"I was surprised that the kids didn't 'notice and grab' any 'random crap,' and actually focused on getting the items we usually buy."
Read at Scary Mommy