Kindergarten teacher warns parents about the day after Halloween in viral PSA

"I know the day after Halloween is extra hard when you're trying to get your kids up and ready for school. Dressing a hungover, raging pterodactyl is not fun. But PLEASE do NOT bribe the groggy elementary goblins with trick or treat candy and send them to school with two fistfuls of Pixy Stix and a wish," Thompson continued.
"Put down the Blow Pop. Your duty on November 1st is to send them to school with bedhead and a buttered biscuit and whatever mood has taken over. We will detox them off of the red dye and artificial flavors and send them back to you at 3:00," Thompson wrote.
"Multiple studies of kids eating either a placebo or real sugar - neither the parents nor the kids know who's eaten what - have found that the children who ate sugar did not behave differently from those who didn't," NBC News Medical correspondent Dr. John Torres shared.
"No. 1, you think (your kids) are going to get more excitable if they eat sugar, so anything they do after eating sugar, you're going to blame on the sugar," he explained. "No. 2, (kids) usually get sugar at celebrations and parties, when they're hanging out with their friends or running amuck."
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