The article expresses the intense challenges faced by a parent of young children, emphasizing the exhausting, non-stop nature of parenting toddlers. The author reflects on the well-meaning advice received from a friend, suggesting that while parenting older kids presents its own difficulties, the exhaustion from caring for infants and toddlers can feel uniquely overwhelming. The discussion highlights common feelings of being drained and the struggle to maintain one’s identity amidst the demands of parenting, concluding with skepticism about the notion that parenting merely shifts in difficulty as children grow.
When my well-meaning friend told me things got 'different, but not easier,' she really meant to say, 'I have intentionally blocked out all memories of the nights when I woke up literally 13 different times to tend to the needs of a teething eight-month-old.'
Parenting little kids means losing yourself and your body and, frankly, your mind. It's full-on, non-stop, sleepless, anxiety-inducing stuff.
I'm told I'm wrong that this is generally accepted as the hardest part of parenting, yet I face the daily chaos with toddlers that's undeniably draining.
Parenting doesn't get easier; it just gets different. But I refuse to believe it stays this hard forever.