On average, parents said managing a household occupies 63% of their brain space on a given day, totaling as much as 30 hours per week, equivalent to $60,000 per year if paid. 58% find it impossible to stay on top of family activities.
78% of mothers are default parents compared to 58% of fathers. 80% of mothers are contacted first by their child's school, and 86% are asked for help first when something is lost.
81% of parents faced work impacts due to family scheduling issues. Some would rather give up sex for a year than their calendar, and 58% spend more time managing parenting logistics than enjoying it.
"Our recent study with Skylight illuminates the staggering unseen burden of the mental load on parents-akin to a full-time job, unrecognized and unpaid, worth $60,000 annually. Parents are overworked, missing out on parenting joys and partner interactions," said Libby Rodney, the Harris Poll's chief strategy officer.