If I Have to Watch My Sons Crash Toy Cars One More Time, I'm Going to Lose My Mind

Oh man, I think a lot of parents can empathize with you in this letter. And I sense that you know this, but it bears typing nonetheless: You are a good mother, even if you don't want to watch a dinosaur battle seven (or 17) times in a row.
You will have to set boundaries, and that may involve dealing with the boys being furious with you while they adjust to the new normal. You can, and should, say no to wrestling matches or other intense activities when you need downtime, so their disappointment can pass. Let their father step in when you need those moments for yourself. And give yourself permission to not join in on every activity. The boys will adjust to it and they will be better off in the long run knowing that other people have needs beyond theirs.
Read at Slate Magazine