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Slate Magazine
9 months ago

If I Have to Watch My Sons Crash Toy Cars One More Time, I'm Going to Lose My Mind

Introverted mother struggles to keep up with high-energy children.
Advice on finding balance, setting boundaries, and practicing self-care as a parent. [ more ]
9 months ago

Ask Amy: He deliberately gave my son peanuts. Was my reaction excessive?

Parents left their 4-year-old son with grandparents for one night, only to find out he had an allergic reaction to peanuts due to grandparents giving him peanut butter despite knowing about his allergy.
The grandparents did not apologize for their actions and expressed disbelief in the seriousness of the allergy, leading the parents to decide to take a break from having their son spend time with them. [ more ]
9 months ago

Opinion | Parenting: A Wonderful and Challenging Adventure'

Parenting is a mix of challenges and joy.
Parents often downplay their parenting skills and their child's greatness. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
9 months ago

How To Argue In Front Of Your Kids In A Way That's Actually Healthy

Arguing in front of kids can be healthy if done appropriately and can teach them how to disagree while remaining calm.
Modeling good behavior during disagreements can help kids learn how to talk through problems, while heated arguments can have a damaging effect. [ more ]
9 months ago

The 5 Biggest Mistakes That Grandparents Make

Grandparenting can cause stress and tension, not just joy
Clear communication and respect for parents' authority can help minimize conflicts [ more ]
9 months ago

Ask Amy: He deliberately gave my son peanuts. Was my reaction excessive?

Parents left their 4-year-old son with grandparents for one night, only to find out he had an allergic reaction to peanuts due to grandparents giving him peanut butter despite knowing about his allergy.
The grandparents did not apologize for their actions and expressed disbelief in the seriousness of the allergy, leading the parents to decide to take a break from having their son spend time with them. [ more ]
9 months ago

Opinion | Parenting: A Wonderful and Challenging Adventure'

Parenting is a mix of challenges and joy.
Parents often downplay their parenting skills and their child's greatness. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
9 months ago

How To Argue In Front Of Your Kids In A Way That's Actually Healthy

Arguing in front of kids can be healthy if done appropriately and can teach them how to disagree while remaining calm.
Modeling good behavior during disagreements can help kids learn how to talk through problems, while heated arguments can have a damaging effect. [ more ]
9 months ago

The 5 Biggest Mistakes That Grandparents Make

Grandparenting can cause stress and tension, not just joy
Clear communication and respect for parents' authority can help minimize conflicts [ more ]
Mail Online
9 months ago
Mental health

Tidying a room is more annoying for teens than failing at school

Teenagers are annoyed by unstable wifi, being asked to tidy their room, and being expected to have an answer about their future plans.
Being asked to tidy their room by a parent when they already planned to is more annoying than performing poorly on a school test due to stress. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
9 months ago

10 Simple Things You Can Say To Your Teen To Make Them Feel Loved

Showing small moments of care is more important to teens than grand gestures of love.
Putting down your phone, paying attention to their interests, and asking thoughtful questions are ways to show teens that you care. [ more ]
Mail Online
9 months ago
Mental health

Tidying a room is more annoying for teens than failing at school

Teenagers are annoyed by unstable wifi, being asked to tidy their room, and being expected to have an answer about their future plans.
Being asked to tidy their room by a parent when they already planned to is more annoying than performing poorly on a school test due to stress. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
9 months ago

10 Simple Things You Can Say To Your Teen To Make Them Feel Loved

Showing small moments of care is more important to teens than grand gestures of love.
Putting down your phone, paying attention to their interests, and asking thoughtful questions are ways to show teens that you care. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
9 months ago

My Husband Wants to Replicate His Childhood With Our Son. Terrible Idea.

The author is struggling with a disagreement about TV time with their husband and toddler.
The husband defends unlimited TV time by saying he turned out fine. [ more ]
9 months ago

People Are Sharing The Best Ways To Set Kids Up For Financial Success, And Some Of These Ideas Are Genius

Parents can help set their children up for financial success by adding them as authorized users on their credit cards to help establish credit.
Working and saving from a young age can lead to significant long-term financial growth, such as contributing to a retirement account at a young age. [ more ]
9 months ago

After a year of imparting wisdom, it seems there are things I need to look at myself | Seamas O'Reilly

The author reflects on their own resolutions for the year and the need for self-improvement.
They acknowledge their own biases and hypocritical behavior when it comes to parenting and using their phone around their kids. [ more ]
9 months ago

My New Year's resolution is to treat myself like I treat my kids

Small and slow changes often lead to more meaningful and sustainable results.
Setting unrealistic goals can lead to discouragement and abandonment of those goals. [ more ]
9 months ago

After a year of imparting wisdom, it seems there are things I need to look at myself | Seamas O'Reilly

The author reflects on their own resolutions for the year and the need for self-improvement.
They acknowledge their own biases and hypocritical behavior when it comes to parenting and using their phone around their kids. [ more ]
9 months ago

My New Year's resolution is to treat myself like I treat my kids

Small and slow changes often lead to more meaningful and sustainable results.
Setting unrealistic goals can lead to discouragement and abandonment of those goals. [ more ]
Page Six
9 months ago

Kelly Clarkson says she'll ban her kids from using social media until they're 18: 'Not under my roof'

Kelly Clarkson has a strict 'no social media' rule for her children until they turn 18.
Clarkson and her ex-husband share custody of their children, and enforcing rules can be challenging. [ more ]
9 months ago

The Funniest Tweets From Parents The Week Of Aug. 13-19

Kids can sometimes discover clever ways to take shortcuts in their daily activities.
Parents can find joy and humor in the innocent and creative conversations they have with their children. [ more ]
Page Six
9 months ago

Kelly Clarkson says she'll ban her kids from using social media until they're 18: 'Not under my roof'

Kelly Clarkson has a strict 'no social media' rule for her children until they turn 18.
Clarkson and her ex-husband share custody of their children, and enforcing rules can be challenging. [ more ]
9 months ago

The Funniest Tweets From Parents The Week Of Aug. 13-19

Kids can sometimes discover clever ways to take shortcuts in their daily activities.
Parents can find joy and humor in the innocent and creative conversations they have with their children. [ more ]
9 months ago

A screen time and education expert: My students don't understand handwriting'

Technology creates addictions in children
The appropriate age to give a child a cell phone is later, rather than earlier [ more ]
9 months ago

What To Do When Your Child's Friend Is A Bad Influence On Them

Pay attention to any changes in your child's behavior and approach to school, friends, and hobbies.
Allow your child to navigate conflict and changes in their relationships with peers, while offering support and guidance. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
9 months ago

Your Tweens Should Still Be Playing With Toys

Kids are growing up too fast and skipping playtime
Parents should encourage their children to play with toys and not force them to grow up too quickly [ more ]
9 months ago

A screen time and education expert: My students don't understand handwriting'

Technology creates addictions in children
The appropriate age to give a child a cell phone is later, rather than earlier [ more ]
9 months ago

What To Do When Your Child's Friend Is A Bad Influence On Them

Pay attention to any changes in your child's behavior and approach to school, friends, and hobbies.
Allow your child to navigate conflict and changes in their relationships with peers, while offering support and guidance. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
9 months ago

Your Tweens Should Still Be Playing With Toys

Kids are growing up too fast and skipping playtime
Parents should encourage their children to play with toys and not force them to grow up too quickly [ more ]
9 months ago

The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week

Parents share funny tweets about their kids on Twitter.
HuffPostParents shares a roundup of the most humorous parenting tweets each week. [ more ]
9 months ago

23 Too-Real Tweets About Kids And New Year's Resolutions

Kids have a unique perspective on New Year's resolutions and often come up with hilarious and unexpected goals.
Parents also share their humorous take on setting resolutions when you have kids. [ more ]
9 months ago

The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Year

Highlighting the funniest parenting tweets of the year
Twitter humor continues despite rebranding to X [ more ]
Scary Mommy
10 months ago

This Mom Was Totally Puzzled By Her Daughter's Simple Request To Santa Claus

Miscommunication between parents and kids can lead to hilarious and puzzling moments.
Parents often struggle to understand their children's earnest but out-of-pocket comments. [ more ]
9 months ago

The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week

Parents share funny tweets about their kids on Twitter.
HuffPostParents shares a roundup of the most humorous parenting tweets each week. [ more ]
9 months ago

23 Too-Real Tweets About Kids And New Year's Resolutions

Kids have a unique perspective on New Year's resolutions and often come up with hilarious and unexpected goals.
Parents also share their humorous take on setting resolutions when you have kids. [ more ]
9 months ago

The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Year

Highlighting the funniest parenting tweets of the year
Twitter humor continues despite rebranding to X [ more ]
Scary Mommy
10 months ago

This Mom Was Totally Puzzled By Her Daughter's Simple Request To Santa Claus

Miscommunication between parents and kids can lead to hilarious and puzzling moments.
Parents often struggle to understand their children's earnest but out-of-pocket comments. [ more ]
9 months ago

How do I stop my anxiety spilling over into my children's playdates? | Ask Annalisa Barbieri

Navigating children's social lives with parental anxiety
Recognizing and addressing personal experiences influencing parenting [ more ]
The Atlantic
9 months ago

Why the World's Richest Country Treats Its Parents So Poorly

America is seen as a land of opportunity but not a great place to raise kids.
American parents are known for being intense, neurotic, and overprotective. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
9 months ago

I Don't Need Help. I Need A Parenting Co-Worker.

Husband's habit of sitting in recliner after work causes frustration for wife
Wife feels overwhelmed with household tasks and wants more help [ more ]
9 months ago

If You're Not Doing Guided Play With Your Kids, They're Missing Out

The study highlights the importance of play for kids' developing brains and challenges the misconception that play and learning are opposites.
Guided play, which combines child-directed play with adult mentorship and learning outcomes, is more effective in supporting children's learning. [ more ]
9 months ago
Digital life

Erika Lust, the creator of The Porn Conversation: We are not used to educating about sex beyond the risks it can pose'

Erika Lust promotes feminist porn that challenges stereotypes and promotes diversity.
The Porn Conversation is an online resource for parents and educators to discuss pornography in a healthy and informative way. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
9 months ago

My Husband Totally Collapses Anytime He's Sick. It's Time for Him to Suck It Up.

Setting boundaries between sympathy and expectations towards a sick partner in a household with young children.
Expressing frustration and seeking support in managing the constant illnesses of family members. [ more ]
9 months ago
Mental health

The Research-Backed Reason Not To Fight When You're Sleep Deprived

Sleep deprivation can have long-term effects on parents, leading to several negative mental and physical health outcomes.
A study found that sleep deprivation causes mood disturbances, anxiety, depression, and increased responsiveness to emotional triggers. [ more ]
9 months ago
Mental health

27 Things Millennial Parents Are Doing Differently Than The Way They Were Raised

Parents avoiding the mistakes of their own parents
Open discussions about mental health with children [ more ]
9 months ago

21 Hilarious And Endearing Tweets About The Words Kids Mispronounce

Kids mispronouncing words, mixing up expressions, and inventing new phrases is adorable and amusing for adults.
Parents can feel nostalgic and a little sad when their child starts speaking correctly. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
9 months ago

My Kid Swears *A Lot* - But Only At Home. Can I Just Let It Slide?

Kids understand the difference between public and private behavior
Swearing can be a default response to intense emotions [ more ]
New York Post
9 months ago

I'm becoming a grandma at 37 - haters think I'm lying but I'm proud of my family

A 37-year-old TikTok star claims she is going to be a grandmother in April, but some people are skeptical due to her youthful appearance.
Misty Dawn Hight got pregnant at 15 and gave birth to her daughter Rileigh at 16. Rileigh is now 20 and expecting her first child. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
9 months ago

I Just Don't See The Point Of Homework For Young Kids

Homework can cause frustration and stress for both kids and parents
Studies show that homework may not be correlated with academic achievement [ more ]
9 months ago

Hampstead pub refuses to serve apple juice in champagne flute to child' on New Year's Eve

A pub manager in London refused to serve a five-year-old apple juice in a champagne glass, claiming it could encourage her to drink alcohol.
The mother argued that the manager's decision was an example of a nanny state where parents are not allowed to parent their own children. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
9 months ago

A Woman's All-Out Rant About Parents Bringing Their Kids To Nice Restaurants Is Causing An Uproar

Parents bringing children to nice restaurants can ruin the dining experience for others
The woman suggests leaving children at home or hiring a babysitter for a child-free evening at restaurants [ more ]
9 months ago

People Are Sharing Parent Behaviors That Are Actually Veryyyy Toxic

Forcing physical affection can be harmful to children's boundaries.
Avoid using profanity in front of children to prevent them from using it as well. [ more ]
9 months ago

Therapists Are Sharing Things Oldest Siblings Talk About The Most In Their Sessions

Oldest siblings are often described as independent, driven, responsible, and caretakers.
Oldest children may struggle with perfectionism due to the trial-and-error parenting they experience and high expectations placed upon them. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
9 months ago

My Dad Claims I'm 'Struggling With Motherhood" Because I Won't Cater to His Every Need

Picture four locations in a T-shape.
9 months ago

Just A List Of 49 Products That Will Actually Help If You're A First Time Parent

The author is a parent with personal experience testing baby items.
The author acknowledges that what works for one baby may not work for another. [ more ]
9 months ago

The 1 Thing To Avoid If You Don't Want Narcissistic Kids

Using the word 'special' regularly with children can fuel narcissism and lead to negative character traits.
Overindulging children can give them a false sense of confidence and contribute to narcissistic tendencies. [ more ]
9 months ago

The Funniest Tweets From Parents The Week Of July 30-Aug. 5

Parents should aim to raise children who are kind and that others would want to know
Parenting newsletters can provide useful advice and tips for raising children [ more ]
Scary Mommy
9 months ago

Mom Admits To Only Buying One Of Her Kids Christmas Presents

A TikTok mom is going viral after admitting that she would only be buying Christmas presents for one of her two kids.
9 months ago
UK politics

Tory MP says most struggling children in his area are products of crap parents'

A Conservative MP has claimed most children who struggle in his constituency are the products of crap parents.
Slate Magazine
9 months ago

My Wife Insisted We Have a Child Late in Life. I Completely Regret It.

My wife and I tried for eight years to have kids.After that, we gave up and decided to dedicate ourselves to making the best child-free life we could.The three years that followed were really happy.
9 months ago

Tom Brady on being a famous father and getting 'attention' at his kids' events

Tom Brady prioritizes spending quality time with his family and tries to step out of the spotlight when he's with his kids.
Brady uses moments when attention is shifted to him to remind his children about the unique privileges they have. [ more ]
Mail Online
9 months ago
Digital life

I'm a screen-free parent- this is why my toddler is banned from tech

Two-year-old daughter not allowed to use smartphones or tablets due to studies on hindering development
Screen-free parenting can be challenging and requires willpower [ more ]
9 months ago

My daughter is five. Am I letting her down by not pushing her towards a future career? | Leading questions

I'm a father of two, a five-year-old girl and a one-year-old boy.
They are both happy and healthy and doing well in life.
9 months ago

Most Parents Want To Make The Same Big Change In 2024

Most parents want to have less screen time in 2024.
Many parents want to be more patient and consistent with discipline in the new year.
A significant number of parents hope to exercise more with their kids and adopt healthier food habits. [ more ]
10 months ago

5 viral TikTok parenting hacks you need to try

With #parentsoftiktok having 45 billion views across two million videos shared on TikTok, social platforms these days are providing plenty of support and advice for parents.
10 months ago
Digital life

Brianna Ghey case should prompt parents to police children's internet use'

The Brianna Ghey case should prompt parents to sharpen up their internet awareness and police what their children are viewing online, the detective who oversaw the investigation into her teenage killers has said.
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
10 months ago

33 Calm-Down Techniques to Try With Kids

Being a parent could be like riding a rollercoaster, with emotions taking the front seat.
Slate Magazine
10 months ago

My Daughter Claims She Loves Me More Than Her Dad. I Know the Reason Why.

My partner (32M) and I (26F) have a 5-year-old daughter together.Recently, she has started to occasionally say things about her dad when it's just us two together.
10 months ago

15 Women Are Revealing The Moments That Made Them Realize They Were Ready To Take On Parenthood

6. "I was ready to be a mom when I hit my 20s. I wanted kids so badly, but my body had other plans. I struggled with fertility issues for several years. Finally, my doctor was able to pinpoint the issue, but warned me that the necessary surgery would be a toss-up as far as being successful. I took that leap and had the surgery anyway. I didn't have my first baby until I was 30 years old. I was more than ready."
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