I Will Take An Annoying World Over A Sterile One | Defector

The author reflects on the experience of their writing going viral, particularly a sentence that resonated widely. While flattered by the attention, they express irritation toward people who share snippets without crediting the source. The essay delves into the author's numerous annoyances, from everyday irritants like leaf blowers to public opinions on political matters, and emphasizes the importance of controlling personal grievances. They highlight the challenges of distinguishing between minor bothers and meaningful societal issues, while also striving to maintain connection and awareness in their interactions with others.
People spread my writing around without linking to the source, which I find irritating as it diminishes the context and connection to original work.
I am very easily annoyed by a variety of things and people, but I strive to keep that annoyance in check to avoid conflating it with larger societal issues.
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