Don't Lie To Your Teen About "I'll Always Come Get You And Won't Be Mad"

"As an adult with kids my own, I am best friends with my mom, and you know why? It's because she was such a good mom to teenage me," Sarah Biggers-Stewart explained. She emphasizes the long-term impact of the parent-teen relationship on adult relationships, suggesting that kindness and trust during tumultuous teenage years can lead to strong bonds later in life.
"I really think a lot of people do not understand that the way you treat your teenager defines your adult relationship." She expresses that, while time apart can heal some wounds, the foundational trust built during teenage years is crucial for lifelong relationships.
"I'm talking about promising stuff to your kids, trying to create a culture of trust...and then not following through." This statement highlights that the integrity of promises made during teenage years is essential, and failing to uphold promises can damage the parent-child relationship.
"The best example, she said, is when parents tell their teens to call them if they are ever drunk and in need of a ride, and that they wouldn't get in trouble. When that phone call actually comes, and parents punish or berate their kid in response, trust can be eroded for years to come." This illustrates how breaking a promise can have long-lasting negative effects on trust between parents and teens.
Read at Scary Mommy