Pepper, a nine-month-old sea lion at the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Washington state, captivates visitors with her artistic swimming routines using an artificial kelp strip. Staff biologist Noelle Tremonti describes the acrobatics reminiscent of a ribbon dancer and emphasizes the importance of such enrichment activities for the sea lion's development. As the first sea lion born at the zoo, Pepper engages in various playful behaviors, building essential skills for exploring her environment, making her both an endearing and educational figure at the aquarium.
The dizzying circles performed in Tacoma, Washington, last month are part of the sea lion's many enrichment activities. The strips help the pup learn how to interact with kelp.
Pepper was the first sea lion born at the aquarium in its 120-year history. Now 74lb (33.5kg), it recently ate its first fish, although it mostly just likes to play with them.