Okay, here's my hot take, so don't come at me. But for the most part motherhood is deeply unsatisfying... I love being a mom, and I love my kids dearly, but 90% of my role as mother is not satisfying... It is convincing kids to eat the meals I make. I mean, it is a lot of work. So much work and in and of itself, that part is not satisfying,
I do not go to bed most nights feeling satisfied in my role as mother, far from it. If anything, I go to bed with intrusive thoughts worried about their future, feeling like I didn't do a good enough job... but it's not a satisfying feeling,
I'm saying this out loud because I don't think we talked about it enough... For a long time, I felt like I was doing it wrong because I saw other people, other moms on social media beaming and glowing... wondering if I was doing it wrong...