10 Moms Share How They Make "Me Time" Part Of Parenting With Their Partners

Kids at any age, but especially young children, require so much of us that what little free time we do have is often spent in the company of our spouses. There's also something to be said about taking some time alone. But that doesn't happen without a game plan.
We asked 10 real-life moms to share how they split up responsibilities with their partners to get that most precious of resources: time to themselves.
"One of us takes the open shift, and the other one takes the close. He sleeps in and then takes his time in the morning while I'm getting the kids up and out, unloading the dishwasher, etc. He does most of the active end-of-day parenting." - Sara, 42, Pennsylvania
"We find getting time together without kids hardest, but we both commit to each of us getting at least a few hours a week solo." - Izzy, 37, California
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