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2 weeks ago
Major League Baseball

Sophie Turner Dreams of a Merry Co-Parenting Christmas With Joe Jonas

Sophie Turner expressed her desire for a peaceful co-parenting and family gatherings for her daughters, emphasizing the importance of love and support. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Major League Baseball

After vicious mum-shaming,' Sophie Turner still hopes to co-parent with Joe Jonas

Sophie Turner faced intense mom-shaming in the media after her split from Joe Jonas, leading to major distress.
Sophie Turner is focused on fostering a healthy co-parenting relationship with Joe Jonas for their daughters' sake despite living in different countries. [ more ]
2 months ago
Digital life

I loved having teenage kids but I was often terrible at it. Here are eight things I learned | Emma Beddington

Parents' approach evolves with teenagers; no more conflicts like confiscating phones, teens' independence shines through. Sympathy, support, and love carry more weight than being the solution. Co-parenting through disagreements requires effort and outside discussions for understanding. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
4 months ago

Dropping My Kid Off At College With My Ex Was... Kinda Great, Actually

The author embarks on a college trip with their ex-partner and daughter, despite not spending much time with their ex in years.
The trip serves as a lesson in stepping back and allowing their child to make their own decisions. [ more ]
2 months ago

Natalie Portman Finalizes Divorce After 11-Year Marriage With 'Black Swan' Choreographer

Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied divorce after 12 years of marriage.
Portman quietly filed for divorce in July and finalized proceedings last month in France. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
3 months ago

Divorced LGBTQ+ parents lead growing trend of "bird nesting" to give kids more stability

Bird nesting is an increasingly popular arrangement where children stay in one home while parents alternate.
Bird nesting is more popular among LGBTQ+ couples, likely due to their lesser likelihood of conforming to gender norms in co-parenting. [ more ]
4 months ago

8 Ways To Make The Transition To Co-Parenting As Smooth As Possible

Co-parenting after a divorce can be challenging, but it is possible to have a successful co-parenting relationship.
Setting the right parameters and having open communication are key to building a strong co-parenting foundation. [ more ]
Scary Mommy
6 months ago

Stressing TF Out Over Co-Parenting? Experts Unpack Top Anxieties

Co-parenting is a crucial aspect of divorce, especially when it comes to the mental health of children.
Negative perceptions of the other parent can disrupt effective co-parenting dynamics and negatively impact children's social-emotional adjustment.
Common fears of co-parents include failure, kids getting hurt, missing out on milestones, being replaced, and financial concerns. [ more ]
The Gottman Institute
6 months ago

Co-Parenting During the Holidays

The holiday season can be challenging for divorced parents who are co-parenting
Prioritizing the child's best interests and creating new traditions is important
Being flexible and mindful of loyalty conflicts can alleviate stress during the holidays. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
4 months ago

My Husband's Ex Is Trying to Turn My Little Homeschooling Situation Into a Total Zoo

Prudence was hesitant to include her stepdaughters in homeschooling because she didn't know their educational needs.
The advice from the future is to tell Anna that they cannot include her stepdaughters in homeschooling and hope for a rational response. [ more ]
4 months ago

Ask Amy: I don't want to see him in the stands at the kids' games

Custodial days should be focused on the children's needs, not the parents' desires
Showing up to children's events together can benefit the children and demonstrate good co-parenting [ more ]
New York Post
6 months ago

How to raise well-behaved children even while facing money challenges

Slightly more than half of unmarried low-income couples have successful co-parenting relationships, leading to positive outcomes for their children.
The study observed over 4,000 unmarried, low-income couples in eight US cities and found that good co-parenting relationships were linked to more empathetic children with fewer behavioral issues.
The study highlights the strengths exhibited by these families in the face of stressors such as financial troubles and lack of support. [ more ]
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