The success rate of students completing credit-bearing English classes in Louisiana's public institutions surged from 12% during the 2020-21 academic year to 60% in the fall of the following year. This turnaround is attributed to a comprehensive reform of remedial education led by the Louisiana Board of Regents, which deploys corequisite courses that align with the state's push for improving adult credential attainment. The Louisiana Prospers initiative aims for 60% of adults to hold valuable credentials, a target currently at 51%. The corequisite approach promotes student readiness and success, highlighting a shift in educational strategy across multiple states.
During the 2020-21 academic year, only 12 percent of students attending a public institution in Louisiana who attempted to complete a credit-bearing English class passed. This past fall, success rates among learners jumped to 60 percent.
The overhaul of remedial education is tied to the state's strategic initiative, Louisiana Prospers, which sets a goal for 60 percent of the state's adult population to have at least a credential of value.
A traditional approach to remediation sort of says, 'Well, I know you think you're in college, but maybe not quite yet,' Denley said.
Research shows students who are placed in corequisite courses are more likely to retain, save money and graduate earlier, compared to their peers.