Frankly, your community members may not want to jump on an interactive call at noon when the sun is shining and their kids are home from school... but some of them might want to! Brainstorm a few ideas for low-lift programming that will spark interest.
Our Community Manager Mary Emma has some great advice: 'lean into trying new things, and embrace the slow season with more passive programming!'
When we think of self care, we often think of face masks, reading, resting, and relaxing. Sometimes, taking care of yourself means making doctor appointments, cleaning out your fridge, or paying bills. These are the tasks that feel daunting before you've done them, but completing them makes you feel accomplished.
Engagement will most likely go down for June, July, and August. That's okay! Even if the numbers aren't what you want them to be, it's important to track them so you can be an expert on the flow of traffic throughout the year.