DB90 designation signals redevelopment on Hart Lane - Austin Monitor

The Zoning and Platting Commission recently voted 8-1 to recommend the rezoning of three tracts of land on Hart Lane from MF-3 to DB90 to facilitate redevelopment. The existing apartment complexes are aging and considered nearing the end of their lifespan. If approved, this change would enable the demolition of the current buildings and construction of between 650 and 700 new units. Despite concerns about the affordability of new units compared to those being replaced, proponents argue that redevelopment is necessary to prevent the loss of all affordable housing.
The concern I've got is, the facility is so old and run down that at some point, it's going to become uninhabitable, and it may be reaching that point already.
We're getting back some income-restricted units but not at the same affordability of what's being lost.
The version of the proposal accepted by the commission was amended by Planning Department staff, who recommended modifications to the development plans.
If we do nothing, then you're going to have no affordable units on the site, versus the redevelopment which is going to give us considerably more.
Read at Austin Monitor