The amorous adventures of earwigs

Work in the 1990s and early 2000s focused on earwig courtship. These often intricate performances of attraction and repulsion—in which pincers and antennae play prominent roles—can last hours... the mating itself as long as 20 hours... Males of the bone-house earwig Marava arachidis are particularly coercive, biting the female's antennae and using a little hook on their genitalia to lock them inside her reproductive tract.
Females usually decide when they've had enough... they can collect sperm in one or more internal pouches and can use it to fertilize multiple broods, so they don't need to mate again.
Kamimura has seen males of the pale-legged earwig Euborellia pallipes remove the sperm of other males using an elongated part of their peculiar penis. It's better if females can prevent this from happening.
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