Study Reveals Bird-Migration Mystery

The findings, based on a partially migratory population of German blackbirds, challenge the conventional wisdom. Even in the depths of winter, blackbirds basking in balmy southern Europe or northern Africa did not spend any less energy than those riding out the cold in Germany, the scientists found. It's sort of shocking that there isn't this net benefit, said Scott Yanco. They expected that migrating would be less energetically taxing during the winter months.
The study revealed that the migrants began preparing for their fall journeys several weeks in advance, saving up energy for the flight by slowing their metabolism at night. This highlights the complexity of migration, suggesting that it’s not just about escaping colder climates for an easy winter existence.
Dr. Linek stated that migration is way more complex than all the theories predicted, emphasizing the unexpected nature of their findings and how they challenge prior assumptions about the benefits of migrating.
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