See the Perseid Meteor Shower in Photos

The shower, which happens once a year, usually starts in mid-July, but is hardly noticeable then. The peakwhen stargazers can see the most meteorstypically occurs around mid-August and can be seen across the world.
The meteor shower is considered to be the best of the yearpeople watching it could see about 20-30 meteors per hour if they're looking at a dark sky away from city lights.
The meteor shower takes place when Earth travels through the debris of a comet called Swift-Tuttle. As pieces of that debris enter Earth's atmosphere, they burn up because of the friction, leading to the streaks in the sky that most people know as shooting stars or falling stars.
Photographers captured beautiful images of this year's event. Here are some of the best photos: Astronomers observe the northern skies during the Perseid meteor shower in Kozjak, North Macedonia, on Aug. 12, 2024.
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