Rubin Observatory testing camera captures first images of night sky - Harvard Gazette

"With on-sky images obtained with our engineering camera, Rubin Observatory demonstrated that the Simonyi Survey Telescope and Rubin software frameworks are operational," said University of Washington Professor Željko Ivezić, the observatory's construction director.
The LSST camera's size and resolution are needed for "cosmic cinematography," said Harvard Professor of Physics and of Astronomy Christopher Stubbs, who is currently working with the telescope's team in Chile and was Rubin's inaugural project scientist.
The team plans to "make all the data immediately available to the entire community of scientists, [with] education outreach for K through 12th grade, and participating countries and institutions."
Explaining the project, which was conceived roughly 30 years ago, he said: "Astronomers had built large-aperture telescopes, which collect a lot of light to look at things that are faint."
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