Out of the lab and into the streets, researchers and doctors rally for science against Trump cuts

The Independent highlights its commitment to thorough, fact-based reporting on pressing issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and scientific integrity amidst political challenges. It emphasizes the need for on-the-ground journalism and public support to ensure quality reporting remains accessible to all, particularly as political actions threaten scientific advancements. At a significant rally against these actions, organized by scientists and advocates, speakers stressed the urgency of standing up for science and the implications of governmental budget and policy changes on health and research, arguing for the necessity of public engagement in these pressing public goods.
Researchers, doctors, their patients and supporters ventured out of labs, hospitals and offices Friday to stand up to what they call a blitz on life-saving science by the Trump administration.
American scientific progress and forward movement is a public good, and public good is coming to a screeching halt right now.
Health and science advances are happening faster than ever, said former National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins.
Read at www.independent.co.uk