NIH has cut one mRNA-vaccine grant. Will more follow?

The NIH has intensified cuts to science funding, discontinuing numerous grants, with a notable impact on diverse research areas like HIV in children and asthma. Alarmingly, the focus is shifting towards mRNA vaccine research, with reports of at least one terminated grant concerning COVID-19 vaccines. Acting NIH director Matthew Memoli requested a detailed list of mRNA-related grants, igniting fears among researchers. While no mass terminations of mRNA-related grants have occurred yet, proactive advice from NIH workers discourages grant applicants from including mRNA in proposals, signaling considerable concern about future funding in this vital research sector.
"To take away a tool to fight infectious diseases that has been shown to be effective is not only disheartening, it could have serious public health implications."
"NIH workers are worried enough that they have started advising grant applicants not to mention mRNA vaccines in their research proposals."
Read at Nature