Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist and professor, remains optimistic about addressing climate change despite Donald Trump’s presidency and U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement. She argues that the clean energy revolution is already underway and cannot be reversed, emphasizing that while actions may be delayed, they cannot be completely stopped. Hayhoe warns of the repercussions of inaction, highlighting the unequal effects of climate change, where those least responsible for emissions face the most significant consequences. She underscores the necessity for proactive measures to combat climate change and protect vulnerable populations.
It's as if, a hundred years ago, the United States had decided to invest in horses and carriages instead of the Model T. The clean energy revolution cannot be stopped and no person nor government can halt climate action.
The science tells us that every additional tenth of a degree of warming matters. Every ton of carbon dioxide that we produce has consequences. Every decision matters.
What worries me most is that, even though climate change affects all of us, it doesn't affect all of us equally. Those who have least contributed to the problem are those who most suffer from its consequences.