In a First, JWST Confirms an Atmosphere on a Rocky Exoplanet

Finding a gaseous envelope around an Earth-like planet is a big milestone in exoplanet research. Earth's thin atmosphere is crucial for sustaining life, and being able to spot atmospheres on similar terrestrial planets is an important step in the search for life beyond the Solar System. The planet investigated by JWST, called 55 Cancri e, orbits a Sun-like star 12.6 parsecs away and is considered a super-Earth, a terrestrial planet a little bigger than Earth. Its atmosphere is probably rich in carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide.
55 Cancri e is very close to its star. It is around one sixty-fifth of the distance from Earth to the Sun. Despite being uninhabitable, it is perhaps the most studied rocky planet. Its host star is bright in our night sky, making it a notable subject for study.
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