Is There Life in the Cosmos? New Observations and Experiments | HackerNoonLife emerges as expected through complex phase transitions, not simple deductions.Collectively autocatalytic small molecules may be the simplest forms of life.Experimental diversity in molecular libraries may reveal fundamental life processes.
In a First, JWST Confirms an Atmosphere on a Rocky ExoplanetAstronomers used the James Webb Space Telescope to detect the atmosphere of a rocky exoplanet, providing insights into early Earth's history and the search for life beyond the Solar System.
The Webb Telescope Just Stumbled Upon A Lava Planet Twice the Size of Earth55 Cancri e has a thick atmosphere rich in carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, not vaporized rock. Previous studies suggest it might be carbon-rich with a diamond interior.
In a First, JWST Confirms an Atmosphere on a Rocky ExoplanetAstronomers used the James Webb Space Telescope to detect the atmosphere of a rocky exoplanet, providing insights into early Earth's history and the search for life beyond the Solar System.
The Webb Telescope Just Stumbled Upon A Lava Planet Twice the Size of Earth55 Cancri e has a thick atmosphere rich in carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide, not vaporized rock. Previous studies suggest it might be carbon-rich with a diamond interior.
This Earth-like exoplanet is the first confirmed to have an atmosphere55 Cancri e is too hot to support life but can offer insight into Earth's formation.