Recent studies reveal that male blue-lined octopuses inject their mating partners with venom to prevent them from attacking during copulation, given the females' larger size and voracious appetite. In another astronomical discovery, 128 new irregularly-shaped moons have been identified orbiting Saturn, bringing its total to 274, nearly double that of any other planet. The increasing presence of space debris, exacerbated by climate change, poses challenges for satellite operations as atmospheric conditions alter debris removal efficacy.
"During copulation, females stopped breathing, turned pale and had no reflexive response to light - known symptoms of the potent venom."
"I don't think there's a proper definition for what is classed as a moon. There should be," says astronomer Edward Ashton.
"We rely on the atmosphere to clean up our debris. There's no other way," says astrodynamics researcher Will Parker.
"I'm a bit mooned out," says Ashton, reflecting on the latest moon discoveries.