The Independent highlights its commitment to accessible journalism amidst crucial societal dialogues around reproductive rights, climate change, and technology's impact on youth. The recent Netflix drama, 'Adolescence', triggers discussions about the hidden dangers children face due to online influences and misogyny. Co-writer Stephen Graham underscores the urgent need for parent awareness regarding external forces shaping young minds. The article calls for public engagement, urging readers to share thoughts on pressing concerns for future generations and the challenges of navigating a digital landscape fraught with risks.
The series follows the aftermath of a shocking crime committed by a 13-year-old boy, delving into the disturbing realities of online influences and misogyny.
Graham warns parents that children are being shaped by forces beyond their control – often hidden behind screens – that contribute to harmful societal ideologies.
Adolescence raises tough questions about protecting children from harmful content just a click away and addresses the rise of male rage and extremist ideologies.
We invite dialogue on the biggest threats to the next generation, asking parents to share their thoughts about raising children in today's world.