How Nonprofits Can Help Free Culture and Benefit from the Public Domain - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly

Nonprofits are traditionally seen as service providers and advocates but they also play a crucial role as creators of media and knowledge. By recognizing their creative capacity, they can enhance the ecosystem of information using the public domain. The article critiques current copyright laws that predominantly benefit entertainment corporations at the expense of broader creativity and expression. It highlights how restrictive copyright legislation can stifle innovation, creating legal hurdles for content creators. By embracing the public domain, nonprofits can alleviate these issues, save resources, and spur new insights.
Nonprofits can foster a more vibrant ecosystem of information and media by harnessing the power of the public domain.
The negative side effects of broad copyright protection are tremendous, discouraging the vast majority of people from creating.
Copyright laws protect creators from having their work stolen, but too often, copyright constrains free thought and expression.
Embracing the public domain offers various benefits including easing societal problems, saving funds, increasing idea diffusion, and leading to new insights.
Read at Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly