A public media collaboration on statehouse reporting moves forward in North Carolina

In 2025, public media faces threats of funding cuts, yet WUNC and other North Carolina public radio stations have launched the 'North Carolina Newsroom, Capitol Bureau.' Funded by a $542,000 grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the initiative aims to enhance state government news coverage. This collaboration reflects a larger trend where public media is stepping up to fill gaps left by dwindling local newsrooms, ensuring vital government accountability and information for North Carolinians amidst a challenging media landscape.
"At a time when many media outlets are cutting back on state government coverage, public media is increasing its journalism about how North Carolina state government is serving its citizens."
"The Triangle-based public radio station is partnering with other public radio stations across the state to launch 'the North Carolina Newsroom, Capitol Bureau, a journalism collaboration expanding North Carolina state government news coverage for North Carolina audiences..."
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