Telegram stands out among messaging apps due to its highly programmable bots, which can run various tasks within the app. Bots leverage the Telegram Bot API to perform actions like messaging, moderating groups, and providing customer service. With capabilities to automate processes and offer custom interfaces, these bots cater to diverse needs such as improving user interaction, customer support, and sending automated notifications. The article provides an overview of the use cases for Telegram bots and includes a tutorial for creating a bot using TypeScript and Node.js.
Telegram bots are lightweight, programmable applications that run within the Telegram app, allowing users to seamlessly interact with them.
Bots can do most things a human user of the app can do - with the help of the API, making them highly flexible and adaptable.
Telegram bots improve the messaging experience by handling tasks like moderating groups, conducting polls, and providing customer support.
With AI integration, Telegram bots can provide natural-sounding replies, transforming customer service interactions in a highly efficient manner.