Node JS

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2 weeks ago
Node JS

Deno boosts dependency management with JSR

Deno 1.42 introduces support for JSR package registry, improves Node and NPM compatibility, and enhances startup times. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
3 weeks ago
Node JS

N|Solid: Node.js Compatibility Proven through Fastify CI Integration

N|Solid proven compatibility with Node.js workflows like GitHub Actions
N|Solid seamlessly integrated into existing Node.js projects like Fastify [ more ]
1 month ago
Node JS

Deno shrinks deno compile binaries

Deno 1.41 has reduced deno compile binaries size by up to 50%, introduced official Linux ARM64 build.
Improvements in Deno 1.41 include Node.js compatibility, smaller binaries, and new APIs for better functionality. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
3 weeks ago
Node JS

Enhancing Node.js Core: Introducing Support for Synchronous ESM Graphs

Node.js core now supports synchronous loading of ESM modules via require().
The use of --experimental-require-module flag enables synchronous loading of ESM modules in Node.js. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
1 month ago
Node JS

Choosing the Right Node.js Package Manager in 2024: A Comparative Guide

npm provides a vast package repository with over two million packages.
npm is the default choice for Node.js projects due to seamless integration. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
1 month ago
Node JS

Node.js 2023 Year in Review

Node.js saw 2641 commits to nodejs/node#main in 2023.
Possible increase in first-time contributors to Node.js in 2023 due to initiatives like workshops. [ more ]
2 months ago
Node JS

Top 5 Node.js Tools for Debugging and Profiling

The Node.js Built-in Debugger is a free and effective tool for inspecting and debugging Node.js applications.
To use the Node.js Built-in Debugger, you need to run your Node.js application with the --inspect flag and connect to it with Chrome DevTools or the Node debugging client. [ more ]
2 months ago
Node JS

Mastering Node CSV - SitePoint

Node CSV is a versatile parsing tool for handling CSV data in Node.js
It is straightforward to use Node CSV, beginning with installation using npm [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Node JS

GitHub - bitair-org/lift: Power up Web Development with TypeScript

Eliminates the need to build TypeScript in the development environment for backend and frontend apps
Uses TypeScript API for compilation, starts apps faster, and consumes less energy with on-demand compilation [ more ]
1 month ago
Node JS

Three Cool (to me) Node.js Features

Node.js has a built-in feature for watching and reloading on change using a simple command-line flag --watch.
With Node.js, developers can create and run simple scripts utilizing the watch feature to automatically restart on file changes. [ more ]
1 month ago
Node JS

Build a Full-stack App with Node.js and htmx SitePoint

htmx is a modern JavaScript library for enhancing web applications by enabling partial HTML updates without full page reloads.
Contact manager app demonstrating CRUD actions built with htmx provides SPA feel while maintaining usability even with JavaScript disabled. [ more ]
The New Stack
1 month ago
Node JS

Docker and Chainguard Join Forces to Deliver Secure Containers

Chainguard's secure Developer Images will now be available via Docker Hub as part of the Docker Verified Publisher program.
1 month ago
Node JS

Generate Free (Node) Punks for Presidents! (in 24px) With Ruby

Added new archetypes and accessories to We Love Punks starter repo
Introducing generation of punks for presidents in Ruby [ more ]
1 month ago
Node JS

Docker Desktop 4.27 Brings Docker Init GA with Java Support, Synchronized File Shares, and More

Docker Init simplifies adding Docker resources to projects.
Synchronized file shares improve file operation speed for large codebases. [ more ]
1 month ago
Node JS

Visualize Binary Search Tree using Python, Tkinter and Graphviz

Binary Search Tree is a special type of tree with specific value restrictions for nodes in left and right subtrees.
Nodes in Binary Search Trees can be traversed using three methods: inorder, preorder, and postorder. [ more ]
2 months ago
Node JS

Web Farms: Identifying the Node that Served a Request.

Using an IIS module can help identify nodes in a load-balanced environment that are not functioning correctly.
Adding a custom response header via the web.config file won't work in replicated environments using Microsoft DFS. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago
Node JS

Building a serverless GraphQL API with NeonDB and Prisma - LogRocket Blog

NeonDB is a serverless PostgreSQL offering that combines the power of PostgreSQL with the flexibility and cost-effectiveness of serverless computing.
Using NeonDB with Prisma ORM and Apollo Server allows for simplified database interactions and seamless integration of a GraphQL API. [ more ]
Vue.js Examples
2 months ago
Node JS

3D Print Designer Web Application using Vue.js

Node.js and npm are required to run the 3D Print Designer Web Application.
Vue CLI is used to install the necessary dependencies for the application. [ more ]
2 months ago
Node JS

GitHub - tlloydukdev/slack-delete-channel-messages: Node script to delete all messages in a Slack channel

The GitHub repository tlloydukdev/slack-delete-channel-messages provides a Node script to delete all messages in a Slack channel. [ more ]
jQuery Script
2 months ago
Node JS

Dynamic Tree View Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap

The jQuery treeview plugin helps render a dynamic hierarchical tree from a JSON schema.
The plugin has been rewritten in TypeScript and supports the latest Bootstrap 5 framework. [ more ]
The New Stack
2 months ago
Node JS

Docker Build Cloud Promises to Speed Docker Builds

This spinoff from the Docker Build remote build service, Docker Build Cloud, is a fully managed service that can speed build times by up to 39 times.
2 months ago
Node JS

Deno adds API for date and time operations

Deno 1.40 has been released, featuring a Temporal API for advanced date and time operations.
Deno now supports the ECMAScript decorator syntax and additional features such as import.meta and improved diagnostics. [ more ]
2 months ago
Node JS

Rails on Docker without Docker

Some Rails developers are hesitant to use Docker due to the time it takes to install and learn it can gradually introduce Docker without affecting app development velocity [ more ]
2 months ago
Node JS

Docker Build Cloud aims to accelerate Docker builds

Docker Build Cloud is a cloud-based build service that speeds up Docker image builds for engineering teams.
The service offloads builds to the cloud, accelerating them up to 39x. [ more ]
3 months ago
Node JS

Using GenAI to Classify an Image as a Photo, Screenshot, or Meme

Google's AI Studio was used to test the ability to distinguish between real photos and memes.
The code for the project involved using Google's Generative AI to detect harmful and explicit content in the images. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago
Node JS

Using Node File Router for file-based routing in Node.js - LogRocket Blog

Node.js is a popular runtime environment known for its flexibility and robustness in server-side scripting and app development.
File-based routing is a method that maps application routes and endpoints to specific files, making routing and code organization easier. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
4 months ago
Node JS

Join our Partner Program!

Are you a Systems Integrator, Consulting Company, or Agency building Node.js based solutions to your clients?If you are then our new NodeSource Approved Partner Program may be right for you.
4 months ago
Node JS

Solved "Cannot find module 'fs/promises'" in Node.js

The error message "Cannot find module 'fs/promises'" can be ambiguous, particularly in relation to the filesystem (fs) module promises in more modern Node.js versions.
There are several causes for this error, including outdated Node.js versions, outdated npm packages, and incorrect import statements. [ more ]
6 months ago
Node JS

Latest Node.js boosts stream performance

Node.js v20.8.0 offers performance improvements for streams
Readable webstream consumption boosted by about 140% [ more ]
6 months ago
Node JS

10 JavaScript concepts every Node developer must master

Node.js is a popular platform for creating web applications and systems software.
JavaScript is a multiparadigm language that allows for different programming styles and can be both beneficial and challenging when used with Node.js. [ more ]
6 months ago
Node JS

Deno runtime now integrates with Jupyter Notebook

Deno 1.37 introduces Jupyter Notebook for simplified software development.
Improved editor support for Visual Studio Code is included in Deno 1.37. [ more ]
7 months ago
Node JS

Bun 1.0 is out of the oven

Bun is an all-in-one toolkit for building, testing, debugging, and running JavaScript and TypeScript apps.
Bun is positioned as a drop-in replacement for Node.js, eliminating complexity and slowness without sacrificing the benefits of JavaScript.
Bun eliminates the need for Node.js tools, transpilers, and offers features such as Jest-compatible testing, JavaScript bundling, and an NPM-compatible package manager. [ more ]
7 months ago
Node JS

Node.js upgrade adds environment variable config

Node.js 20.6.0 includes built-in env. file support for configuring environment variables.
Version 20.6.0 also introduces new features such as import.meta.resolve and the register API.
The update includes improvements to v8::CppHeap and a helper function for JavaScript-to-C++ references. [ more ]
7 months ago
Node JS

Intro to Hapi: The Node.js framework

Hapi is a Node.js framework with a no-dependency, high-quality code stack.
Hapi's clean, capable server API is a strong recommendation. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
7 months ago
Node JS

Advancing the NodeSource Node.js Package Repo (Including User-Requested Upgrades!)

NodeSource has made significant updates to their Node.js package repository.
The updates include improvements to the package distribution experience and new features like version choice and universal distribution support. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
9 months ago
Node JS

Welcome to The Future of Software Development: Powered by Telemetry, Security, and AI

NodeSource announced the AI Assistant, Adrian, and the open sourcing of the Node.js Runtime, N|Solid Runtime.
NodeSource aims to enable a future of software development powered by telemetry, security, and AI.
Over 30 million websites rely on Node.js, making it one of the most used and loved technologies by developers worldwide. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
10 months ago
Node JS

Measuring latency from the client side using Chrome DevTools and N|Solid

Almost every modern web browser includes a powerful suite of developer tools.In our previous blog-post we covered How to Measure Node.js server response time with N|Solid, read more ???? HERE.The developer tools have a lot of capabilities, from inspecting the current HTML-CSS and Javascript code to inspecting the current ongoing network communication client-server.
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
10 months ago
Node JS

Measure Node.js server response time with N|Solid

As software developers, we constantly face new challenges in an ever-changing ecosystem.However, we must always remember the importance of addressing performance and security concerns, which remain at the top of our priority list.To ensure that our applications based on Node.js can meet our performance and scalability needs without compromising security or incurring costly infrastructure changes, we must be aware of the importance of network optimization in Node.js.
11 months ago
Node JS

Deno 1.33 debuts built-in key-value database

With newly published Deno 1.33, the project's developers are preparing users of the JavaScript/TypeScript runtime for the planned, ambitious Deno 2 release.Part of that push is the debut in Deno 1.33 of the Deno KV key-value database.Unveiled April 28, Deno 1.33 takes steps toward meeting the goals of Deno 2.0, which is due in coming months.
1 year ago
Node JS

Node.js 20 introduces permissions model

Node.js 20 is available.The latest version of the popular JavaScript runtime introduces a permissions model for restricting resource access during execution.It's currently an experimental feature, requiring a special flag to enable.Introduced April 18, Node.js 20 can be accessed from as the "Current" release, carrying the latest features of the platform.
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
1 year ago
Node JS

AIOps Observability: Going Beyond Traditional APM

AIOps is an emerging technology that applies machine learning and analytics techniques to IT operations.AIOps enables IT teams to leverage advanced algorithms to identify performance issues, predict outages, and optimize system performance.Nodesource sees significant advantages for developers and teams to increase software quality by leveraging AIOPS.
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
8 months ago
Node JS

N|Solid v4.10.1 is now available

The N|Solid v4.10.1 release includes general stability improvements and bug fixes, as well as important security releases for Node.js v16.20.2 and Node.js v18.17.1.
N|Solid offers two LTS Node.js versions for use: Node.js 16 Gallium and Node.js 18 Hydrogen. The Node.js 16 Gallium LTS release line will be supported until September 11, 2023, while the Node.js 18 Hydrogen LTS release line will be supported until April 30, 2025.
The N|Solid Runtime is supported on various operating systems including Windows 10, Microsoft Windows Server, RPM based 64-bit Linux distributions, DEB based 64-bit Linux distributions, and Alpine. Users can download the latest version of N|Solid from the official website or through the N|Solid account portal. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
8 months ago
Node JS

Serverless Observability in N|Solid for AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a powerful and cost-effective serverless computing platform that can be used to reduce operational costs and improve scalability.
It is important to understand the best practices for developing serverless applications on AWS Lambda in order to maximize performance and cost savings.
AWS Lambda provides a wide range of integrations with other AWS services to streamline development and deployment processes, including Amazon API Gateway and AWS Step Functions. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
8 months ago
Node JS

Empowering Startups: Building Better, More Secure Apps and Ensuring Exceptional CX with N|Solid

Startups can benefit from Node.js in terms of scalability, performance and cost savings.
Utilizing open source tools and technologies such as Node.js can provide startups with access to a larger and more experienced developer community.
Node.js is an effective tool for creating innovative applications and products that can help startups become more competitive in the marketplace. [ more ]
9 months ago
Node JS

Latest Deno release supports NPM packages

The latest Deno release (1.8) adds support for npm packages, making it easier to use existing JavaScript code and libraries.
With the new release, Deno now supports a wide range of Node.js APIs and packages, including third-party libraries.
Deno 1.8 also includes several other improvements, such as the ability to run in the Cloud, better performance, and bug fixes. [ more ]
9 months ago
Node JS

Deno unveils faster, simpler web server API

Deno is a new, open source, secure JavaScript/TypeScript runtime created by Ryan Dahl, the original creator of Node.js.
Deno offers significant improvements over Node.js, providing a faster and simpler web server API with built-in TypeScript support and a better security model.
Deno is ready for production deployments, with features such as automatic dependency loading and a built-in package manager for easy installation and updates. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
9 months ago
Node JS

Announcing N|Solid v4.9.5

NodeSource has released NSolid 4.9.5 which includes new features such as enhanced monitoring, increased performance, and security improvements.
This version of NSolid is optimized for Kubernetes and comes with a subscription-based pricing model.
NSolid 4.9.5 also offers an improved user experience with enhanced support for Node.js and JavaScript applications. [ more ]
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
9 months ago
Node JS

NodeSource, Inc. Announces AI Assistant "Adrian" for Comprehensive Analysis and Optimization of Node.js Applications and Open-Sourcing of its Augmented Node.js Runtime.

[Seattle, WA, June 28, 2023] - On stage at Collision Conf in Toronto, NodeSource, Inc., the leader in enterprise-grade solutions and support for Node.js, made two big announcements: the private beta of its groundbreaking AI Assistant, "Adrian," designed to revolutionize the way developers and DevSecOps analyze, optimize, and secure Node.js applications, and that it's open-sourcing its Node.js
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
9 months ago
Node JS

N|Solid v4.9.4 is now available

MPORTANT: This release of N|Solid v4.9.4 contains a Node.jssecurity release!NodeSource is excited to announce N|Solid v4.9.4 which contains the following changes:

General stability improvements and bug fixes
Node.js v16.20.1 (LTS): Includes a Node.jssecurity release captured in Node.js v16.20.1 (LTS).
7 Most Popular PHP Frameworks To Use in 2023

#phpdeveloper #phpframework #backenddeveloper #phpdevelopment #php #webdeveloper #htmlcoding
Excellent WebWorld
4 years ago
Node JS

Top 7 PHP Frameworks for Web Development in 2019

PHP is the most popular server-side programming language and is still going strong in 2019.So, we decided to talk about the best PHP frameworks of 2019.
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
10 months ago
Node JS

AI & ML - Highlights Google I/O (Connect) - Miami

On May 24th, 2023, the inaugural edition of Google I/O Connect took place in Miami, USA.Google introduced this conference as an extension to engage directly with the technical community.Note: Image courtesy of @KarolRojas90
The concept behind Google I/O Connect was to host distributed events in four different locations worldwide.
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
11 months ago
Node JS

NodeForest Status Report - Earth Day Project

In an effort to mitigate our environmental impact and increase awareness among Nodesourcers, NodeSource collaborated with Pal/Projectability to conduct a tree-planting activity in 2022.The initiative was a resounding success, resulting in the planting of a forest called NodeForest, which exceeded the original target by 52%.
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
1 year ago
Node JS

2023 N|Solid Awards: The Top 10 Best Node.js Open Source Projects to Watch

NodeSource has been a part of the Node.jsecosystem since 2014, contributing to the open-source project, distributing binaries (over 100m annually!),providing expert Node Services, and building tooling ( N|Solid) to support developers to make the best software leveraging Node.js.Every year, we look at the open-source projects we believe are the most interesting and will impact the ecosystem.
The NodeSource Blog - Node.js Tutorials, Guides, and Updates
1 year ago
Node JS

Unleashing the Power of NCM: Safeguarding Node.js Applications with Next-Generation Security in N|Solid

In the world of Node.js, application development, speed, flexibility, and scalability are critical for modern software development.However, the risk of vulnerabilities and security breaches looms with the increasing reliance on open-source Node packages.NCM (NodeSource Certified Modules) is the next-generation security solution that empowers Node.js developers to safeguard their applications easily and confidently.
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