Al Trautwig, a beloved broadcaster known for his engaging commentary on major New York sports teams, has died at the age of 68. He was celebrated for his work with the Rangers, Knicks, Yankees, and Islanders, among others, making him a significant figure in sports broadcasting. Although Trautwig hadn't been on air recently due to health issues, his presence and contributions to the sports community left an indelible mark on many fans and viewers. His passing is felt deeply in the world of New York sports.
Today is a sad day for New York. Legendary broadcaster Al Trautwig has passed at the age of 68. For many of us here, Trautwig was one of the voices of our childhood, calling Rangers, Knicks, Yankees, Islanders, and many other teams for almost three decades.
He was an absolute joy to watch on the air. Trautwig hasn't been on the air in some time as he was fighting health concerns.
Rest in peace, Al. You will be missed.