Exclusive | How new NYPD Commissioner Jessica Tisch is tackling recidivism and re-shaping the nation's largest police department

"It was one of the most painful experiences of my life," Tisch, 43, who has a son around the same age as Caleb, told The Post Friday in an interview in her 14th-floor office at One Police Plaza. "It’s a tragedy for his family. It’s a tragedy for the city." Tisch expressed profound sorrow over the loss of 14-year-old Caleb Rios, emphasizing the emotional toll such incidents have on both families and the community at large.
"Something's got to give in this criminal justice system," Tisch said. "Felonies are trending downward, which is wonderful, but we have a problem with surging recidivism. The same people are committing the same crimes in the same neighborhoods." Tisch highlights the ongoing issues with repeat offenders and how current systems fail to adequately address the root causes of crime.
Tisch plans to travel to Albany to talk to legislators about changing some of the criminal justice reform laws that have created a revolving-door system in Gotham, she told The Post. "We’re seeing too many cases die on the vine because of a discovery error or discovery problem that is completely irrelevant to the outcome of the case," she said. Tisch advocates for legal reforms to enhance the efficacy of justice and reduce repeat crimes.
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