Don't be gaslighted New York, migrant crime is real

One grim impact of the Harris-Biden migrant crisis was invisible to most New Yorkers until Tuesday's Post exclusive blew it wide open: "Asylum seeking" criminals are clogging the city's courts.
Gotham doesn't even track the citizenship status of accused criminals, so we can only rely on estimates from courthouse staff and other insiders when we report that roughly 75% of those arrested in Midtown Manhattan for crimes like assault, pickpocketing, robbery and domestic violence are migrants.
Indeed, our laws encourage the crime-inclined to come here: "Word has gotten out that you can come to New York to commit crimes and attack police officers and be out the next day," as PBA President Patrick Hendry told The Post.
But it's indisputable that, on any given day, Big Apple criminal-court dockets are packed with migrants who've run afoul of the law.
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