Thursday's Headlines: 'Double' Trouble on the Upper West Side Edition - Streetsblog New York City

"Dedicated bus lanes will adversely affect residents' quality of life by cutting residents' buildings off from the street, preventing passenger loading and unloading for taxis, disabled people, and school children, and making it impossible to make deliveries." This is not true; the Department of Transportation design calls for an offset bus lane, which will still allow access to the curb (but won't allow double-parking - hint, hint).
"Anyone stopping in the bus lane for even the briefest drop off will be subject to a $250 fine because of automatic ticketing by bus-mounted cameras." This is not true; bus lane violations are issued only when a person blocking the bus lane is captured on camera by two consecutive buses - and at least five minutes apart, so not 'the briefest' of moments. Also, bus lane tickets are $50.
"West 96th Street traffic, including bus traffic, now moves freely on these two blocks [Central Park West and Amsterdam Avenue]." This is not true; according to the DOT, buses move at 6 to 8 miles per hour on that stretch - and lower than 4 miles per hour on other stretches of 96th Street.
"The DOT has not shown any actual benefit from converting traffic lanes to bus lanes in these two residential blocks." This is not true; the DOT has demonstrated repeatedly that offset bus lanes improve bus speed and reliability while still maintaining curb access as well as traffic flow for other vehicles.
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