"We hope the summons serves as a notice to other landlords that discrimination does not pay," said Elizabeth Grossman, the executive director and general counsel for the Fair Housing Justice Center, which is based in Long Island City. Grossman reflected on the importance of the historic $1 million settlement against Parkchester Preservation Management, stating it underscores the commitment to combating housing discrimination in New York City.
"They no longer put words like no vouchers and no programs in their ads," Grossman said. "They are hiding it by creating policies such as minimum income policies, by creating dual tracks..." This highlights the subtle ways landlords may continue to discriminate despite legal ramifications, putting vulnerable tenants at significant risk.
As part of a settlement deal Thursday, the landlord will set aside 850 apartment units for tenants who use housing vouchers, marking a significant step toward equitable housing access. This action should help alleviate some of the barriers faced by tenants in need.
"Things should be fair," added tenant Jordan Dally. "They should be able to use the vouchers, so if they have been discriminating and disqualifying people based on that, then they deserve their fine, I guess." This illustrates the sentiment of tenants who demand fairness and equal opportunity in housing.