At 58 Joralemon Street in Brooklyn Heights, a deceptively normal red brick brownstone conceals a subway ventilator. The facade is rumored to provide secret access to the 4/5 trains below. Local resident Judy Scofield Miller shared that while the noisy ventilator can disrupt their living environment, it didn’t deter them from living there, as nearby homes are selling for millions. The unusual building continues to capture public interest and has even inspired an online video game. Explore further secrets of NYC's infrastructure, including other facade deceptions around the world.
The building at number 58 Joralemon is a fake brownstone, concealing a subway ventilator, and rumored to be a secret passageway to the 4/5 trains.
Judy Scofield Miller, who lived next door, mentioned that her family got used to the occasional noise from the ventilator, with no plans to leave.