The article criticizes the New York State Board of Parole for releasing murderers of police officers, notably Herman Bell and Lee Ernest Walker. It argues that such decisions disregard victims’ families’ trauma and public safety, asserting that certain crimes, particularly those against law enforcement, should not be eligible for parole. Congressman Ritchie Torres voices concern about the board's disconnection from the community's values, noting the release of 43 cop killers since 2017 highlights an alarming trend. The article calls for accountability from state officials to protect public interests and address the board's practices.
The Board of Parole is so out of touch with the People of New York, so utterly lacking in moral common sense, that it has shamelessly released 43 cop killers since 2017.
Releasing murderers like Walker from prison serves no public interest at all. It only serves to re-victimize the loved ones of the murder victims.
Certain crimes, like the murder of a police officer, should never be a candidate for parole and should never be left to the discretion of an ideologically-charged parole board.
The practice of coddling cop killers is profoundly demoralizing to the NYPD at a time when public safety should be a top priority.