In Sea Cliff, Long Island, a write-in campaign led by snack-food mogul Robert Ehrlich ended with him receiving just 62 votes in a reelection of the mayor. Despite his loss, Ehrlich proclaimed the election rigged and stated he was the rightful mayor, citing a 2009 law that allows residents to dissolve local government. Claiming he had gathered 1,800 signatures for this action, he became a central figure in the turbulence surrounding the election results, making waves in the normally quiet village of approximately 5,000 residents.
The election capped eight turbulent days and seemingly ended a quixotic write-in campaign by a brash snack-food mogul who declared the election was rigged.
Robert Ehrlich, founder of Pirate's Booty Snacks, claimed to be the mayor, invoking a law to dissolve the town while waving claims of 1,800 signatures.