Exclusive | Keep corrupt, dishonest Andrew Cuomo from office, warns FDNY battalion chief whose parents died during pandemic

FDNY Battalion Chief Sean Newman publicly expressed his opposition to Andrew Cuomo's candidacy for mayor, citing the tragic deaths of his parents due to policies that allowed COVID-19 patients into long-term care facilities. Newman's parents died alone, and he blames Cuomo's directive as a reckless decision that intensified the pandemic's toll on vulnerable individuals. Newman's statement serves as a stern warning against Cuomo's return to public office, underscoring a personal tragedy intertwined with a larger critique of leadership during a crisis.
During the pandemic of 2020, we were all given direct orders to lock down and do everything we could to stay away from the Covid-19 virus. While we were in quarantine, we could no longer visit, nor care for, my elderly parents who were in separate care facilities.
The illnesses that brought them to care facilities could not have come at a worse time. My parents died within 2-1/2 weeks of each other, and they died alone.
At the time, we had no idea that our former governor had issued a directive on March 25, 2020 to flood New York's senior facilities with over 9,000 Covid patients - a decision that we believe could have killed my parents.
We are not angry simply because an order was issued during a chaotic and confusing time. We are angry for the reckless decision-making that led to the deaths of our loved ones.
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