The Freedom Plaza project by the Soloviev Group aims to create a new Manhattan casino with an adjoining five-acre public park. Located near the United Nations, the development promotes biodiversity with abundant green spaces including tree-lined pathways, play areas, and an amphitheater. Company representatives emphasize the significance of green areas in urban life, proposing a space that fosters community and enjoyment. The project comes amid a competitive bidding process for new New York City casino licenses, with expectations for awards by year end, highlighting the potential for urban revitalization.
“As fourth-generation residents and neighbors of this community, Soloviev understands the immense value that green spaces bring to urban life,” Soloviev Group Michael Hershman said. “Freedom Plaza is a commitment to creating an inspiring place where memories are made in this wonderful part of the city, with an accessible, and sustainable park for everyone to enjoy.”
The Soloviev Group's project would sit on six acres of vacant land near the United Nations. Plans for Freedom Plaza include a casino along with a five-acre public park that includes an 18,000-square-foot central lawn, 1.2 miles of accessible pathways, a children's play area, an amphitheater, scenic overlooks, and more.
They released a video that included artist renderings showing a lush plaza and park area, complete with 350 trees and numerous other plants meant to promote biodiversity, stormwater absorption, and year-round interest among residents and tourists.
Empire State regulators are expected to award three downstate licenses by the end of the year. Two of those are expected to go to existing 'racinos' located in the New York City area and one will go to a new property in the city.