A man named Jason Kilburn faces bureaucratic hurdles after his daughter was given an unusual name, "Unakite Thirteen Hotel," due to a computer-generated error during her birth registration. This bureaucratic glitch has hindered Kilburn's efforts to obtain a Social Security number for his daughter, which is crucial for accessing healthcare and childcare services. Kilburn spoke of the emotional strain this has caused, particularly when his daughter was sick and he could not get her the care she needed. His lawyer remains hopeful that public attention will facilitate changes to rectify the situation and secure basic rights for the child.
He was told it was a computer-generated name. Kilburn has struggled to change his daughter's unusual legal name, which has persisted to this day.
It really sucks to sit here and watch her suffer when there's health care out there that I can't get because of this.
Nonsensical placeholder names are commonplace in the US healthcare system, usually abandoned quickly once custody is confirmed by a parent or guardian.
Kilburn's lawyer has voiced optimism that Caroline could finally get her name changed and receive a Social Security number.