People Are Sharing Iconic Things From Their Home Country That Are Hilariously Misunderstood Abroad

''Cool American Flavor' Doritos in The Netherlands. I had to laugh when I saw them, and then I wondered, what is a cool American flavor?''
'I just spent six weeks in the South of France, and one of the most common food items I'd see at touristy 'American' restaurants was the sandwich Americain. It was basically a small baguette split in half with a hamburger patty cut in half-circles to fit in the baguette, topped with French fries and 'special sauce' (a mixture of ketchup and mayo). It's like if I described a standard burger meal in my very poor French and a French person was like, 'Oh yeah, I think I get it!' - u/cannibalpeas.
'Indian here. Most Indian restaurants I've visited worldwide (minus the rare fine dining establishments) play the trashiest Bollywood music imaginable. It's stuff that most of us in India would never willingly sit and listen to. Think extremely jarring and downright terrible party songs. It's either that or Hindu prayer chants and nothing in between. And it's always played at super loud volumes. The song choices legitimately crack me up.'
'The jarred hot dogs in the American section of German and Dutch grocery stores. 🤢''
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