Longtime NY1 travel reporter Valarie D'Elia dies at 64 after ALS battle, station says

During a 2010 interview with The Post, she explained that traveling has always been a part of her family history. In the early 1900s, her great-grandfather started a travel agency, she said. She recalled in the interview that she was usually on the road about 60% of the year. 'Then I get home and I have to put together the story: look at the video that was shot, write the script and edit footage,' she said.
D'Elia had said, 'Pack light, forget the blow-dryer - who wants to worry about all that stuff? You'll be amazed at how liberated you'll feel!'
The intrepid reporter has also worked for the Travel Channel, HBO and WOR Radio Network, NY1 said. 'She is survived by her husband Ron, and will be missed by her family and friends,' the station wrote.
ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease named after the famous New York Yankee, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease which has no cure.
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