How To Give Your Dishes Even More Flavor With Rehydrated Onions - Tasting Table

To rehydrate, first immerse the dried onions in water that's been warmed to at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit, allowing the flakes to lounge in that bath for a minimum of 15 minutes, but it could take up to 30 minutes to fully rehydrate. Use at least a 1:1 ratio of dried, minced onions to water. And keep in mind that approximately 2 ounces of dehydrated onions is the equivalent of 3 cups of the fresh vegetable.
If you plan on making a soup, sauce, or casserole - a dish where more moisture could be a benefit - save the rehydrating liquid. Plenty of recipes instruct cooks to simply toss the desiccated onions into something like a stew alone. But that water has become something akin to an onion tea post-soak and it's packed with the essence of those flakes, amplifying the bite onion lovers crave.
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